YAFFA - A FTP/SFTP & File Manager
YAFFA is the result of a project course at LTU (the university
of technology in Luleå, Sweden). YAFFA, or Yet Another F* FTP
Application is a filemanager and a FTP client with support
for secure FTP. It includes a GTK front end, and also
a console mode. The project is governed by the GPL.
733 Productions: Is here
There is a new release out now, with the new GUI. The new version
also supports HTTP, besides the old support for FTP and SFTP. The development
is still going on, but remember any
contributions/improvements to this project IS APPRECIATED.
2001-09-18: A preview of the
latest version in development.
2004-06-26: Version alpha-0.11 released.
2004-06-22: Version alpha-0.10 released.
2004-05-30: Version alpha-0.9 released.
2004-05-09: Version alpha-0.7 released.
2004-05-04: A new developer, Mattias Eklof, has joined the development!
2003-10-30: A new release, again. Now a complete rewrite of the console mode and a new scripting language.
2003-08-29: A new release, sporting a new GUI and HTTP support. Also: configure script.
2003-05-13: Added a link to the CVS
2002-10-24: Page moved to sourceforge, CVS added (moyaffa.cvs.sourceforge.net)
2001-05-28: A revised archive released
2001-05-23: First developer release
2001-05-08: Page up, still no release
Browse the CVS
yaffa-alpha-0.11.tar.gz Bug fixes.
yaffa-alpha-0.10.tar.gz Bug fixes, parent-buttons in the file lister, better response when pressing cancel.
yaffa-alpha-0.9.tar.gz Bug fixes, new commands and better colours in the file lister differentiating directories.
yaffa-alpha-0.7.tar.gz Recursive downloads.
yaffa-alpha-0.5.tar.gz New script language, major rewrite.
yaffa-alpha-0.1.tar.gz New GUI, HTTP support
yaffa-0.01re.tgz Some minor changes
Manual (Postscript)
YAFFA/MoYAFFA is (c) 2003 by Anton Persson.
YAFFA is (c) 2001 by Magnus Ekdahl, Joacim Häggmark, Johan Thim, Anton Persson.
733 Productions is (c) 1999-2001 by Anton Persson & Ted Bjorling
All rights reserved.