class IFFHandler

Handles IFF files.

Public Methods

[more] IFFHandler(handlertype htp, const char* fname, const char* ifftype)
Create an IFF handler Either create (htp is writer) or read (htp is reader) an IFF file with the name fname and the type ifftype
[more] ~IFFHandler()
This closes the IFF file and cleans it up/
[more]void add_chunk(const char* chnkheader)
Add a new chunk to a writer
[more]void add_data_to_chunk(const char* data, int bfrsize)
Add bfrize of data to writer
[more]void end_chunk()
Close the chunk (No more data may be added)
[more]void next_chunk()
Skip to next chunk
[more]void next_chunk(const char* chnkheader)
Skip to next chunk with called chnkheader
[more]void reset_chunk_offset()
Reset chunk offset
[more]int read(char* bfr, int bfrsize)
Read bfrsize from chunk offset.


Handles IFF files. Handles creation and parsing of IFF files.
o IFFHandler(handlertype htp, const char* fname, const char* ifftype)
Create an IFF handler Either create (htp is writer) or read (htp is reader) an IFF file with the name fname and the type ifftype

o ~IFFHandler()
This closes the IFF file and cleans it up/

ovoid add_chunk(const char* chnkheader)
Add a new chunk to a writer

ovoid add_data_to_chunk(const char* data, int bfrsize)
Add bfrize of data to writer

ovoid end_chunk()
Close the chunk (No more data may be added)

ovoid next_chunk()
Skip to next chunk

ovoid next_chunk(const char* chnkheader)
Skip to next chunk with called chnkheader

ovoid reset_chunk_offset()
Reset chunk offset

oint read(char* bfr, int bfrsize)
Read bfrsize from chunk offset. Returns either bfrsize or less (depending on the size of the chunk.)

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