Table of Contents
- FTP The FTP class is used for FTP access.
- FileItem A item type representing a file/directory/link
- HTTP The HTTP class is used for HTTP access.
- HTTParser A http-syntax parser
- IFFHandler Handles IFF files.
- List List class
- ListItem Baseclass for items in a list
- Protocol Standard protocol class.
- SFTP The SFTP class is used for supporting the SSH File Transfer Protocol as specified in an internet-draft by T.
- StandardException All exceptions should be based on this class.
- State State representation.
- YaffaAboutWindow An about window, displays copyright information and so forth
- YaffaConfig The configuration window
- YaffaExceptionWindow A window that alerts the user about an exception
- YaffaFileLister Displays a list of files
- YaffaGUI The main GUI class, this is the class that runs the whole shabang
- YaffaListSwitch A widget that displays two file listers The YaffaListSwitch widget displays two file listers and gives the user the ability to easily select wich one that should be active
- YaffaMainWindow The main window of the YAFFA GUI
- YaffaNewconWindow A requester for a new connection
- YaffaShortcutList A widget that displays a list of shortcuts
- hdd HDD is used to represent the local file system.
- protoerr Handles errors from the protocols
- rlsparser transferes standard ls text output into a string.
Hierarchy of classes
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