class Shortcut

Shortcut class, stores url, login name & password and a textual description

Public Methods

[more] Shortcut(int prtcl, const char* iurl, const char* iname, const char* ipass, const char* itext)
Create a new shortcut
[more]int protocol()
Return protocol identifier
[more]const char* url()
Return the URL
[more]const char* name()
Return the login name
[more]const char* pass()
Return the password
[more]const char* text()
Return the textual description
[more]void set_protocol(int prtcl)
Change the protocol identifier
[more]void set_url(const char* iurl)
Change the URL
[more]void set_name(const char* iname)
Change the login name
[more]void set_pass(const char* ipass)
Change the password
[more]void set_text(const char* itext)
Change the textual description


Shortcut class, stores url, login name & password and a textual description
o Shortcut(int prtcl, const char* iurl, const char* iname, const char* ipass, const char* itext)
Create a new shortcut

oint protocol()
Return protocol identifier

oconst char* url()
Return the URL

oconst char* name()
Return the login name

oconst char* pass()
Return the password

oconst char* text()
Return the textual description

ovoid set_protocol(int prtcl)
Change the protocol identifier

ovoid set_url(const char* iurl)
Change the URL

ovoid set_name(const char* iname)
Change the login name

ovoid set_pass(const char* ipass)
Change the password

ovoid set_text(const char* itext)
Change the textual description

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